Sunday, May 22, 2011

To Graffiti or not to graffiti?

So I've taken the initiative to start my own blog hooraaah since I seem to have an opinion on anything and everything these days.

I was on my way to the G sisters house when I came across this wall of jargon. Obviously someone is a anime freak since that's the only thing I could come to understand on this wall, so to speak. Yes my neighbourhood is cool and this work of art is located right opposite the mosque.

It got my thinking, how do people percieve graffiti? Is it a form of expressing ourselves when our voice are not heard? Is it a political statement? Or is it simply art in it's many forms of expression?

I believe that graffiti is a peaceful form of one's artistic flair yet vandilism of public and private properties. Oximoron. Perhaps there could be disignated areas in countries to cater for graffiti.

What do you think?

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